Hello, hello!

Un tema que es muy recurrente entre las mujeres es cómo pueden hacer para encontrar su estilo. La realidad es que nuestro estilo ya lo tenemos, ya lo hemos encontrado, pero a veces, como en muchas cosas, necesitamos un pequeño boost para poder encontrarlo. 

Lo primero que tenemos que tener claro es que estilo no tiene que ver con moda. Moda es conjunto de prendas de vestir, adornos y complementos que se basan en esos gustos, usos y costumbres, y que se usan durante un período de tiempo determinado. La moda dura un periodo de pequeño, unos cuantos meses si acaso. Al comprar queremos hacer una inversión y no comprar solo porque esta de modael estilo en cambio es conjunto de rasgos peculiares que caracterizan una persona.

Se habla mucho de esto, pero a mi me gusta pensar mas en entender que es lo que te queda bien, que es lo que te gusta y que es lo que no te gusta. 

Conocer nuestro estilo es importante ya que nos ayudara a realizar compras mas inteligentes. Compras que perduraran.

Hay 3 acciones que Podemos tomar para poder conocer nuestro estilo:

mi estilo - nat Sampson

Utiliza las redes a tu favor

Empieza una búsqueda en Pinterest o en la red social de tu elección, y busca qué elementos te llaman la atención. No tiene que gustarte todo de una imagen pero si llamarte la atención ciertos elementos. Al terminar, mira que piezas se repiten y que atuendos se repiten. Con esto puedes empezar a tener una idea de qué es lo que te gusta. Recuerda que no se trata de imitar, es inspirarte y crear looks parecidos

Estudia tu closet 

A todos nos pasa que hay momentos en el que no nos gusta lo que tenemos en nuestro closet, pero aún así estudia tu closet actual. Mira que prendas se repiten y cuales todavía te llaman la atención. Esto será una guía inicial que te ayudará a distinguir tus gustos y necesidades.

Piensa qué imagen quieres proyectar en tu día a día

Este es el tercer paso y uno de los mas importantes. Piensa que mensaje quieres enviar y como los outfits que te inspiraron anteriormente te ayudan a enviar ese mensaje. 

Otras acciones que te ayudarán serán el conocer tu cuerpo y saber qué partes quieres resaltar y cuales no. 

Al conocer tu estilo dejaras de comprar por impulso y solo pensando en que se te vera mejor.

Ahora dime, ¿que imagen deseas proyectar al vestir?

Hasta la próxima, 


mi estilo - nat Sampson

Hello, hello!

A subject that is very recurrent among women is how they can find their style. The reality is that deep down we already have our own sense of style, but sometimes, as with many things in life, we need a small boost to be able to find it.

The first thing we have to be clear about is that style has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is a set of clothing, ornaments, and accessories that are based on those tastes, uses, and customs and that are used for a certain period. Fashion lasts for a short period, probably for a few months. When we go shopping, we want to make an investment and not buy just because it is trending.

There is a lot of talk about this, but I like to think more about understanding what looks good on you, what you feel comfortable showing, and whatnot.

Knowing our style is key. It will help us make smarter purchases, purchases that will last.

There are 3 actions we can take to find our style:

Use social media to your advantage

Start a search on Pinterest or the social network of your choice, and look for elements that catch your eye. You don’t have to like everything about an image, but some pieces may catch your attention. When finished, see which pieces repeat and which outfits are repeated. With this information, you can start to get an idea of what you like. Remember that it is not about imitating, it is about inspiring you and creating similar looks

Study your closet

Start a search on Pinterest or the social network of your choice, and look for elements that catch your eye. You don’t have to like everything about an image, but some pieces may catch your attention. When finished, see which pieces repeat and which outfits are repeated. With this information, you can start to get an idea of what you like. Remember that it is not about imitating, it is about inspiring you and creating similar looks

It happens to all of us that there are times when we do not like what we have in our closet but still study your closet. See what clothes are repeated and which ones still catch your attention. This will be an initial guide that will help you distinguish your tastes and needs.

Think about what image you want to project in your day-to-day

It happens to all of us that there are times when we do not like what we have in our closet but still study your closet. See what clothes are repeated and which ones still catch your attention. This will be an initial guide that will help you distinguish your tastes and needs.

This is the third step and one of the most important. Think about what message you want to send and how the outfits that inspired you previously help you to send that message.

Other actions that will help you will be knowing your body and knowing which parts you want to highlight and which not.

When you know your style, you will stop buying on impulse and just thinking that it will look better on you.

Tell me which image do you want to project when dressing?

Until next time,


mi estilo - nat Sampson
